Saturday, August 15, 2015

Influenster VoxBox!

Hey everyone how are you? Hope all is well! I have some great news I got in the Influenster VoxBox in today and it's amazing! It had soo many goodies! I'll have pictures of all of  them below. So far I have tried two of the products and they were amazing! The first one I tried was the Jergens Wet Skin moisturizer and I have to say it was AMAZING! Now if you think for one second it's a normal moisturizer then your highly mistaken! This moisturizer actually comes with directions! On the back of the bottle it states that you have to use it after a shower. But you have to apply this one as soon as your done. You can't even dry yourself off which is interesting! So you get out of the shower, apply this right away then "dap" yourself dry. I followed the instructions and my skin feels amazing that's after only one time of using it! Wow I'm blown away! As for the second product I've used already it's called the Colgate Enamel Health mouth wash. I used it tonight after brushing my teeth and wow does my mouth feel amazing! (Sorry I'm using the word amazing a lot!) It made my mouth feel so clean and refreshed I love it! So please try these two products when you have a chance! The last few products which I haven't tested yet but will are: Olay Active Botanicals face wash, Attitude Color Protection Shampoo, Attitude dishwashing liquid, and Ache & Pain Urgent Relief To-go Fast Powders. This should be fun testing all these products! Thank you for reading my blog and come again!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Weight Loss and Trying to Stay Positive!

Hey everyone sorry it's been such a long time since I posted something. Life has been insane! I had a baby girl then a few months after that I  moved to a new place which I hate and I'll explain later! It's been so hectic! But I have been trying to lose weight lately but I seriously have no motivation what so ever! I lost 11 pounds in a week but that's me being completely strict! And I don't know if I'm actually doing it the right way. Ahh it's all so frustrating and annoying. I've been trying hard to be positive but it's truly hard. I have a 3 year old and a 7month old and it's hard to keep a work out. When my older daughter was a baby she was very independent but my younger daughter wants my attention 24/7. I'm not used to it I guess but I'm blessed to have both of them. I need help on losing weight because I think it's the reason why I'm always down in emotions. I hate it. If you have any ideas on weight loss let me know I defiantly need the help. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my blog. Comment below! Until next time. Thank you!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Heyyyyy everyone!  I hope your all well in this new year!!! I know I'm very late but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope your new year is a happy and health one filled with MONEY! HAHAHA! If you have a new years resolution let me know below!!! Thank you for visiting!

9 months PREGO!

Heyyyyy everyone! How are you all doing? I hope all is well! Wow I'm in my last week of 8 months and going into my 9th month of pregnancy. This is my second pregnancy (my oldest is 2 turning 3 this month) and I'm still scared of the whole process! When I was in labor with my first child I stopped dilating at 6 centimeters which forced me to have a c-section. I wasn't to happy about it but I really didn't have a choice. The thing that scares me the most is the epidural because with the first child they messed up so bad that I got spinal headache. It was the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life. The pain was excruciating! They ended up doing 2 epidurals on me. One of which was to do a hole "patch up" later on to fix the problem. The surgery doesn't scare me at all but the epidural is my nightmare. That's all I think about, it's truly giving me stress and anxiety!  They have scheduled my c-section for February 3rd which happens to be the day after my amazing husband's birthday!  So now he can't say I didn't get him anything LMAO! But my doctor said the baby may come earlier, sometime later this month like the last week of January. Either way I want this baby out! Hahahah I can't wait to me her but I also am having a hard time in this pregnancy then I had the first one. If you are also pregnant or had a bad experience with epidurals let me know below! Thank you so much for visiting my blog!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Influenster: Reese 's Spreads!!!

Heyyyyy everyone! How are you all? I hope all is well with you and your entire families! Well I have something amazing to write to you about today and it's call "Influenster"! Now influenster is all about reviews of products!  They help you make decisions about what to buy and if it's a good idea! I love reading the reviews on products and writing reviews as well! Today I'm reviewing this AMAZING Reese's Spread! I received it today and I'm happy we did! I am 9 months pregnant and it's a dream! I've dipped it with apple and best of all just a spoon! It's sooo good! You have to try it! Here are a few pictures below! Enjoy!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Amazing Instagram Photo Editor!

Hey everyone!  I hope all is well! Theres this amazing app called InstaSize that I want to talk to everyone about today. This app is amazing!  You know how you have instagram and its hard to upload pictures because they only allow a certain amount of space for the picture (that annoying square)?! Well InstaSize completely changes that! You can literally upload any picture you want and it instantly changes the size so the entire picture can be used! The best part about it is that it comes with amazing filters, frames for the photos and so much more. The app can also upload the pictures to your Facebook,  and Twitter accounts all at the same time! All you have to do is link your Instagram,  Facebook and Twitter accounts to the InstaSize app and it will upload to all the social media you choose! But don't worry it wont post anything on any of your social media accounts without your permission.  The app is amazingly free! So download the app and give it a try! (I am in no way, shape, or form being sponsored by InstaSize I just truly love the app!) Thank you for reading and have a good one!!!


Heyyyy everyone!  Hope all is well! I wanted to post today that I am 4 months pregnant! I have no idea what the babies gender is but I'm DIEING to find out lmao! Its a great time in my life right now (minus the drama) and I'm so happy and blessed! The only bad part of it all is the baby wont allow me to eat at all! Which really is bad and hard. I'll start to eat something and get so nauseous that I wont be able to finish it. But hey what can I do it's pregnancy and I'm sure it will get better....eventually lol. Well if any of my readers are pregnant then CONGRATS TO YOU! I'm truly happy for you! I will be revealing the gender of the little nugget as soon as I find out. So thank you so much for reading my blog take care and I'll talk to you all later bye!